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Table 4 Relative risk of cardiovascular events during follow-up associated with EOA/height

From: An alternative method of indexation in aortic stenosis: height-adjusted effective orifice area


HR (95% CI)


EOA/height≤0.6 cm2/m


4.61 (2.66-7.98)


 Model 1

4.91 (2.79-8.64)


 Model 2

4.64 (2.62-8.19)


 Model 3

5.91 (3.21-10.88)


  1. 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval; EOA: Effective Orifice Area
  2. Model 1 is adjusted for sex, age, aortic peak velocity and symptomatic status
  3. Model 2 is adjusted for sex, age, aortic peak velocity, symptomatic status and left ventricular ejection fraction
  4. Model 3 is adjusted for sex, age, aortic peak velocity, symptomatic status, left ventricular ejection fraction and indexed left ventricular mass