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Fig. 2 | Cardiovascular Ultrasound

Fig. 2

From: Tissue Doppler derived biphasic velocities during the pre and post-ejection phases: patterns, concordance and hemodynamic significance in health and disease

Fig. 2

Frequency of predominance of biphasic tissue Doppler mitral annular velocities during pre (PRE) and post-ejection (POE) phases, and their concordance. Upper panel, in normal as well as age matched controls, PRE is almost always predominantly positive (PREp > PREn), while more patients with negative predominance (PREn > PREp) occurs in HFpEF and the largest number occurs in patients with HFrEF. Similarly, in normal as well as age matched controls, POE is almost always predominantly negative (POEn > POEp), while more patients with positive predominance (POEp > POEn) occurs in HFpEF and the largest number occurs in patients with HFrEF. Lower panel, Normal PRE-POE concordance (predominantly positive PRE and predominantly negative POE) occurs almost always in normal as well as the aged matched controls. In patients with HFpEF, lower number of normal concordance and increasing number of PRE reversed and POE reversed as well as totally reversed concordance was noted. In patients with HFrEF, the lowest number of normal concordance, and the largest number of totally reversed concordance was observed

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